Christmas is coming and we love it!
However, there is one thing we don’t love about the holidays and it is how much garbage we create. Think about it - in order to wrap gifts in paper trees needs to harvested (4 billion yearly). Then there is a very toxic process to make the paper. The paper is then shipped all across the world, in order to become garbage which needs to be taken care of. This is an all around bad cycle.
But no worries - we have a better solution: REUSABLE COTTON BAGS! They can be reused hundreds of times!
In fact Bag-all was started, by Swedish stylist and designer Jennifer Jansch, for the specific purpose of starting to spread the thinking of “reuse” rather than using paper gift wrapping. Jennifer who lived in New York at the time got so concerned when she saw the mountains of garbage on the streets of New York the day after Christmas. (For those who have never been in New York we can tell you that garbage is put straight out on the curb where it is subsequently picked up by garbage trucks).
When she started reading more about the issue she was horrified when she learnt that 25 MILLION tons of extra garbage is created around the holiday season in the US alone! She thought there must be a better way of doing the gift giving - and found the solution in fabric bags!
At Bag-all we believe that reusing is the best way we can all do something for our the environment. Absolutely everyone can do it as reusing is for free! So no matter if you are rich or poor, reusing is an option for everyone.
When Jennifer started Bag-all five years ago she had her three daughters in mind. Would they miss the wrapping paper under the tree? The answer is NO! Every celebration the gift bags come out of the drawer and are reused. The second the girls see the gift bags they know there is something in it for them!